Healing The Chakras
Our body is more than just physical and mental, it’s also an energetic system called 'CHAKRAS'. "Chakra" is a Sanskrit word that means 'wheel' or 'cycle'. There are seven main chakras situated along the spine, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. This age-old belief has become integrated into many New Age styles of thought.
Chakras are thought to provide subtle energy that helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best level. Chakras and spiritual energy have not been thoroughly examined in medical studies, but they may help you think about your own mind and body like any religion or belief.
Since ancient times, stones and crystals have been used widely as they have energetic healing powers. They have the power to heal the deep issues and bring good health, prosperity and happiness in life. Each 7 Chakra stone has its own power and unique healing property. Some are best for resolving family and financial issues and love problems, while others are best suited for wealth and prosperity in life. They can protect you from evil eyes and negative powers.
The base chakra controls our “Grounding” to the Earth and is associated with all our survival instincts and self-preservation. Relates also to the Physical body, Individuality, Stability and Security.
Located at the base of our Spine.
Color is 'Red' (representing passion for life) or 'black' (signifying stability or grounding)
Governed by the Adrenal Glands. It looks after our Bones, Teeth, Nails, Spinal Column, Anus, Rectum, Colon, Prostate gland, Blood and Cell building.
The Sacral Chakra is associated with our Relationships with others, Our ability in Giving and Receiving, Sexual/Passionate Love, and our Creativity.
Located at about three inches below the navel.
Color is 'Orange' (representing creativity and wisdom)
Governed by the Gonads. It looks after our Pelvic Girdle, Reproductive Organs, Kidneys, Bladder and all body liquids.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is our 'Emotional Center'. It aids in control of the “Digestion of Life”, thus the power and control over our lives.
Located just below the ribs.
Color is 'Yellow' (representing analytical thought and intellectual activity).
Governed by the Pancreas. It looks after our Lower back, Abdomen, Digestive System, Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Gallbladder and Nervous System.
The 'Heart Chakra' is about Unconditional Love, Connection, Acceptance, Transformation and Powerful Healing. It is the center of compassion, love, group consciousness and spirituality associated with a “Oneness” with “All That Is”. It balances and bridges between the lower three chakras and the upper three chakras.
Located at the center of chest at the level of the heart.
Color is 'Green' (representing healing and balance) or 'Pink' (signifying unconditional love and compassion).
Governed by the Thymus gland. It looks after our Heart, Upper back, Lower lungs, Blood, Circulatory system and the Skin.
The 'Throat Chakra' is our Communication Center, thus giving us ability to verbally express ourselves and to be able to have Open, Clear Communication of Feelings and Thoughts. Ability to release. It is the gateway to the Higher Consciousness and the gateway through which the emotions contained in the heart pass, to become balanced and harmonized.
Located at the throat.
Color is 'Blue' (representing knowledge of, and oneness with divine guidance).
Governed by the Thyroid gland. It looks after our Neck, Throat and Jaw, Vocal Chords, Respiratory System, Alimentary Canal and Arms.
The Third Eye Chakra is involved with our Intuition and our Inner Seeing, our Higher Consciousness, Emotional and Spiritual Love Center.
Located between and approximately one finger space above the brows.
Color is 'Indigo' (representing the search and attainment of spiritual purpose).
Governed by the Pituitary Gland, it looks after our Face, Left Eye, Ears, Nose, Sinuses, Cerebellum (lower brain) and Central Nervous System.
The Crown Chakra is the Center of an Individual’s Spirituality, Enlightenment, Dynamic Thoughts and Energy – Our Very Essence.
It allows for the inward flow of wisdom from the ethers and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. When stimulated and clear, it enables one to see the truth concerning illusory ideals, materialistic pursuits and self-limiting concepts. It further allows one to experience continuous self-awareness and conscious detachment from personal emotions.
The third eye chakra is involved with our intuition and our inner seeing, our higher consciousness, emotional and spiritual love center. Located at the crown of the head. Color is
'Violet' (representing enlightenment) or
'White' (signifying purity, perfection and bliss).
Governed by the pineal gland. It looks after our Cerebrum (upper brain) and Right Eye.
All crystals purchased from "Purple Tree" are cleansed and they are energized before they are sent to you. However, over time, they will pick up negative energies or vibrations and will need to be cleansed again and re-energized. You may also wish to program your crystals with specific healing intentions, once they have been cleansed.
A Full Moon & New Moon are especially powerful for Cleansing and Recharging your stones. You can place them outside or on a windowsill at these times. Even if it is a cloudy night, the moon's rays will still energize the stones.
Crystals come from the Earth, so placing them directly into the Earth will naturally cleanse all negative energies and re-energize them. We suggest you leave them for approximately 24 hours. If the crystals are set, or strung into jewelry, it is best to gently cover them with a cloth first, so that small bits of dirt don't get into the fastenings etc.
DISCLAIMER: Crystal healing are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. Crystals should never replace medical treatment, but rather, are complimentary therapy that should be used to support the treatment recommended by your medical doctor.