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Bracelet for Angelic Guidance

Bracelet for Angelic Guidance

Regular price Rs. 2,150.00
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Healing With Energized Crystals

Crystals are the incredible manifestations of light in the physical.

They're well known for their many healing properties, the consistent vibration they maintain, and even for their ability to help you to strengthen your connection with the angels! But have you ever wondered, or thought about crystals as angelic beings themselves!?

If we take a step back for just a moment and look at what angels actually are… Messengers of the Divine… We can then look at crystals in a new light. Crystals carry and bring us the Divine messages of vibration, sacred geometry and energy into the physical through their embodiment.

Crystals are perfect sacred geometric formations, fractals of the infinite light of the Divine manifest in the physical. They embody in the physical the higher qualities of Divine light and Spirit as pure fractals of the infinite light of Source. In other words, they are the geometric Divine blueprint manifest in physical form, and through our interaction with them, they can help us each to more fully align with our unique Divine blueprint.

Crystals are always embodying their highest blueprint of Divine perfection, and when we tune into crystals through meditation, we're able to receive their guidance, the powerful energetic attunements they offer, and their profound support and healing. Like angels, the crystals are “messengers,” carrying divine vibrational patterns into the physical realm for the benefit of humanity and the world. When we work with these angelic crystal beings, we can help to manifest their qualities (the “messages” they carry) in each of our own lives.

We become more crystalline ourselves and aligned with our highest Divine blueprint as we learn from our Angelic Crystal guides, and anchor a new level of our light and true divine nature in the physical, here and now.


All crystals purchased from "Purple Tree" are cleansed and they are energized before they are sent to you. However, over time, they will pick up negative energies or vibrations and will need to be cleansed again and re-energized. You may also wish to program your crystals with specific healing intentions, once they have been cleansed.



A full moon and a new moon are especially powerful for cleansing and recharging your stones. You can place them outside or on a windowsill at these times. Even if it is a cloudy night, the moon's rays will still energize the stones.


Crystals come from the earth, so placing them directly into the earth will naturally cleanse all negative energies and re-energize them. I suggest you leave them for approximately 24 hours. If the crystals are set, or strung into jewelry, it is best to gently cover them with a cloth first, so that small bits of dirt don't get into the fastenings etc.


DISCLAIMER: Crystal healing are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. Crystals should never replace medical treatment, but rather, are complimentary therapy that should be used to support the treatment recommended by your medical doctor.

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