Ancestral Healing & Karmic Debt Bracelet
Ancestral Healing & Karmic Debt Bracelet
Healing With Energized Crystals
You can choose how you react to karma. You can get sucked in to the drama of it or you can witness and watch it unfold.
And I think that the purpose of karma is to evolve our souls. It’s the universe’s checks and balances system. When you choose to incarnate as a body and choose to come into a lifetime for the very first time, you’re entering into an experience where you can create karmic debt or reward based on your actions, your intentions, and their consequences.
In Buddhism, it’s called the cycle of samsara. You’re bound to this cycle of rebirth until you work off all your karma and attain enlightenment. If this isn’t your first incarnation—and for most people, it’s not—then you have accumulated karma through the experience of past lifetimes.
So when you come in, you’re bringing with you karma that needs to be worked off or completed. You may have karmic rewards that show up as benefactors or luck, meaning positive, easy experiences. And there may also be difficult encounters that create a sense of dis-ease or an emotionally traumatic relationship.
You can think of this as leftover energy from another lifetime that you’re working through now. When you owe someone, it may show up in your life as a difficult ending to a relationship. You may not understand why the relationship ends. Or there may be a betrayal that you did not see coming. That may be a case of karmic debt; you may have put them through a similar experience in another lifetime.
By going through what you’re going through with them in this lifetime, your karmic debt or your karma with that person becomes complete.
All crystals purchased from "Purple Tree" are cleansed and they are energized before they are sent to you. However, over time, they will pick up negative energies or vibrations and will need to be cleansed again and re-energized. You may also wish to program your crystals with specific healing intentions, once they have been cleansed.
A full moon and a new moon are especially powerful for cleansing and recharging your stones. You can place them outside or on a windowsill at these times. Even if it is a cloudy night, the moon's rays will still energize the stones.
Crystals come from the earth, so placing them directly into the earth will naturally cleanse all negative energies and re-energize them. I suggest you leave them for approximately 24 hours. If the crystals are set, or strung into jewelry, it is best to gently cover them with a cloth first, so that small bits of dirt don't get into the fastenings etc.
DISCLAIMER: Crystal healing are not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. Crystals should never replace medical treatment, but rather, are complimentary therapy that should be used to support the treatment recommended by your medical doctor.